Pregnant Over 40: 3 Effective Ways To Handle Depression while Pregnant

You have heard the whispers, but now they are starting to get louder and louder. And now that you are over forty and pregnant, the noise lives rent free in your head. Pregnant women over forty have heard the sayings…’She is too old to have kids,’ ‘Poor kid is going to grow up without a mother,’ ‘Having a kid in your forties is selfish,’ and last but not least; ‘Having a kid in your forties is risky.’ For the life of me I will NEVER understand why someone’s body is anyone’s concern. Unless you are the doctor, or in a relationship with said person, the outsider has no right to dictate the welfare of another’s reproduction. Life is risky. Just stepping out your front door is risky. Nobody is guaranteed a long fruitful life, every day we are all rolling the dice hoping not to crap out. The goal is to make good with the life you have while you still can. Right? And with that said…

Pregnancy at any age is also risky, whether the mother to be is healthy or not. There is a chance that something could go wrong. For instance, an Ectopic pregnancy, Gestational Diabetes, Miscarriages, Preeclampsia, and Depression.

How To Effectively Handle Depression While Pregnant Over 40

I know what you are thinking…Depression? Yes, depression can lead to pregnancy complications. We hear a lot about Postpartum depression but there is such a thing called prenatal depression. The mother’s mental state can greatly affect the prenatal care of the unborn child. The depression could lead to lack of sleep, unhealthy eating, and possible substance abuse.

Seeking professional medical counseling is one way to combat the depression. Finding the right medical doctor is very important. It’s important to have a doctor that actually cares about you as a person. You will need a doctor who can relate to your circumstance and get you the proper treatment. So, thoroughly vet your doctor to make sure they can handle the sensitivities of your illness. I guarantee it will make a difference in the long run. If not, that doctor could end up causing more harm than good. And this could set you back on your healing.

I also recommend joining a support group. Join a support group that is specifically catered for your needs. Search community groups or social media groups for new moms, moms over 40, single moms, moms with depression, etc. These groups are beneficial especially if you are going through your pregnancy alone. Pregnancy and loneliness are enough to cause stress and depression. But having someone to talk to that can relate provides relief and eases the mind of damaging thoughts.

Lastly, to effectively handle your depression–if you cannot afford a therapist, do not have access to social groups, or do not like community/social groups… try exercising. I created The Lamesha Vine Effect Prenatal Full Body Workout. This workout is specifically designed for pregnant women over 40. It will help increase endorphins to fight the depression. It is also effective for lowering blood pressure, strengthening and toning, better sleep quality, and increased energy. Make sure you consult with your primary care doctor before starting any exercises. But when cleared to workout I suggest starting with The Lamesha Vine Effect Prenatal Full Body Workout to help with some of your Prenatal needs. The movements are relaxed, methodical, and effective.


The Lamesha Vine Effect: Prenatal Full Body Workout

The benefits of working out while pregnant will greatly benefit the development of your child. Exercising while your unborn is in the womb will help stimulate a healthy body and brain for your baby. So, prepare for a smart and very active baby.

The Lamesha Vine Effect: Prenatal Full Body Workout is also a great workout for postpartum.

Subscribe to Lamesha Vine YouTube Channel to enjoy the full effect of The Lamesha Vine Effect– Dance and Fitness videos.

The Lamesha Vine Effect: Prenatal Full Body Workout

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